About Taylor
Taylor Duffrin, aka Taylor Flows, is a specialty performance artist and international flow arts instructor based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Her flow arts career started back in 2014 when she purchased her first hula hoop. Upon starting, she began to realize that what was intended to be just a hobby had captivated her heart and was turning into something much, much bigger. Only a year after Taylor had started her journey, she was receiving national bookings to perform at festivals and events. Taylor has performed all over the United States at festivals, parades, and private parties ever since. What started off as performances with a single hula hoop began to evolve into double hoops, fire hoops, fire fans, fire dragon staff, fire poi, and fire eating. Head over to the “Press Kit” to see all of Taylor’s performance accomplishments.
Performing was not the only passion that catalyzed from her adoration of flow arts. Upon reflecting on the impact that flow arts had on her own life, it lit a fire within her to share that impact with others. Taylor has become a vastly successful international instructor, teaching single hoop, double hoop, multiple hoops, and fan tech. She has taught around the globe from The Hula Hoop Institute’s Hoop Dream Retreat Malaysia and Bali, to Rendez v’Hoop France, to Alpine Hoop Retreat Austria, to Hoop West Canada, to Sinergia Hoop Spain, to SwHoop United Kingdom, to Hoop Away Australia, to Oasis Hoop Retreat Costa Rica, to many retreats around the US and many more international and national retreats on the horizon. With the surge of COVID and wanting to connect with her students and friends around the globe more regularly, Taylor decided to create online classes and tutorials to keep her passion alive during the off season of retreats. Her online courses have been wildly successful to thousands of hoopers around the globe.

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